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Our Story


After an in-depth study of the market, E-MEDIA notes that existing solutions do not meet all the needs of users and Cleaning and FM providers.


In 2019,  an innovative project supported by BPI FRANCE allowed the E-SANITAIRES product to come into existence:

A complete solution to address the issues of customer satisfaction, staff management, traceability of services and monitoring of quality controls, linked to the Cleaning and Multiservices sectors.


E-SANITAIRES was designed with the aim to constantly improve customer service and the well-being of occupants.

This tool makes it possible to collect user feedback on the quality of cleaning services, improve the feedback of information and be more responsive.


E-MEDIA is a company whose activity is the distribution, the implementation of network, information and communications solutions, the production and distribution of software and hardware, the provision of services in the field of IT, telecommunications and organization and rents computer terminals including license(s) to use its software and access to dedicated assistance services.

Software registered and protected by

INPI National Institute of Industrial Property files and protects E-Media Device applications

Support by 

BPI France supports E-Media Device

Our Values

E-MEDIA develops innovative solutions around 8 essential values which constitute the DNA of our company.


Innovating grouping solution with all the necessary tools for a great user experience.


Continuous evaluation and improvement of customer satisfaction for the well-being of occupants and stakeholders.


Performance indicators, data analysis, anticipation of the needs, management of actions and support for stakeholders in their interventions.


Logging and timestamping of all processing operations of cleaning and maintenance.


Reduced response time with the real-time alert system.


Reduced costs thanks to the optimization of the teams involved.


Increased performance when carrying out services and quality controls using specifications and corresponding integrated operating procedures.


Advertising space for self-financing and generating financial income. Broadcast of announcements 24/7, more than 17.000 broadcasts per day and per terminal.

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